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Closet Essentials


My favorite home items to keep my walk-in closet renewed and refreshed include a sparkling chandelier, mirrored bench/stool, quick laundering supplies, and flowers.


Lighting is so important for me in my walk-in closet to truly see and appreciate what I have, and further accentuate the luxury and feminine feel I'm going for. For my closet, I purchased a simple and elegant chandelier from PB Kids:






Minimal but beautiful decorations help spark joy and add to the glam atmosphere of the closet. I purchased faux flowers from Pottery Barn to help achieve the look:



Clothes Care

My clothes work hard for me day in and out. I feel in order to keep the "fresh" and "renewed" feeling to periodically launder + remove lint/dust/stains. I keep items from The Laundress handy:

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